donesschen wrote in capslock_koei Apr 28, 2011 13:49
hey look xiahou dun has-nevermind..., but now i'm only falling apart, wei rhymes with gay, dem thighs, boobs, take away my photoshop, wtf!?, what has been seen cannot be unseen, stop me before i embarrass myself, not sure if want, all money and tits, xiahou dun is a homo, strike a pose there's nothing to it, srsly important bsnss yo, fabulousity is a science, what a hell is going on, hey! say! aerial thrust, ahhhhhhhh!!!, is my bias showing, noooooooooooooooooooo!, fabulous is objectively quantifiable, xiahou dun
rhett wrote in capslock_koei Jan 01, 2011 19:22
take away my photoshop, oh yes i did, zhuge liang is a girl with a beard, the art of hair, oh no you didn't